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For Initialization a Video SDK Token is required. Initialization must be done before creating the Record, Import or Edit Widget.


Reach out to Hippo Video Support ( to get Video SDK Token for your account

import { initialize } from "@hippovideo/video-sdk";
import "@hippovideo/video-sdk/app/hv_recorder.css"; // Importing the styling required

let initializeOptions = {

const onVideoSdkInitialize = (success, error) => {
* error will be undefined in case of successfull initialization
* success will be undefined in case there is any error
* */

initialize(initializeOptions, onVideoSdkInitialize);

The onVideoSdkInitialize is a callback method that will be called with data and error objects.

  • error will be undefined in case of successfull initialization,
  • success will be undefined in case there is any error, and
  • success.key will be passed while starting the recording.